ZigaForm version 5.5.1


Search for peace and social cohesion, identification of the root causes of conflict

This is the raison d'être of the structure. For this reason, before proposing solutions, IMRAP's first action consisted in identifying the root causes of the Malian conflict throughout the national territory through a broad consultation involving all regions of Mali and including the refugee camps (see, infra, Self-Portrait of Mali on the obstacles to peace).

Mastery of dialogue instruments

Facilitation techniques (focus group, individual interviews), mediation and community mobilization techniques.

Mapping of actors

Identifying the key actors in a process is always crucial to the success of a process or the understanding of a peace and/or conflict dynamic. For this reason, each IMRAP intervention is preceded by a mapping of the actors in the target locality. The objective of this preliminary exercise is to know the types of profiles according to the context to be addressed: peace, conflict, reconciliation and also to build allies on whom to rely to achieve the expected results.

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Self-portrait of Mali
FDS (Confidence building between the population and the Defense and Security Forces)
Transformation of values
NOFOVO (New Forms of Violence)